Do You Want to

Scope is the most modern way to do
marketing for your business, apart
from the traditional ways.

Start using Scope

After creating your business account, add your business, place your offers, send notifications to all Scope’s users.

Scope processes your requests

Scope presents your business’s details and your offers in a pretty and attractive design. It also delivers notifications on time to all potential customers.

Watch the results

All Scope’s users will be able to see your business’s details and your offers, which could raise the number of your customers.

Why Scope ?

SCOPE was designed and developed to make it easier for you to expand your business and gain new customers in more modern ways and faster than the traditional methods.

It is that easy!

1. Create Account

Create a free business account, then choose a suitable plan for your business and enjoy SCOPE features.

2. Add your business

Start the first step by adding your business details to appear on the mobile apps and to be seen by all SCOPE users.

3. Place offers

Placing offers in a few clicks, without the need to print and distribute any brochures or flyers.

4. Notify

Send notifications to up to 600 SCOPE users who are located around you in a radius of 10KM.

5. Profit

Raise the number of your customers and increase your business revenue.

Our Subscription Plans

Give your business
a boost

Do you want to stand out and use different methods than you used previously to reach the success you are looking for? We are here to achieve it together.

Download our App

It might be difficult to find and choose the best stores, which should be nearby, that give appropriate offers. But not anymore, with SCOPE it is possible.

See How To

How to

Create a campaign

SCOPE's marketing campaigns allow you to send notifications to all users in your area in seconds to inform them about whatever you want.
How to

Add an Event

Whenever you want to hold an important event related to your business, you can add its detail to SCOPE to be communicated to a large number of interested customers.
How to

Add an Offer

Adding daily offers will keep the customers' eyes on your business, and their interaction with it.
How to

Create an Account

Creating a business Account is the first step you have to take, to be able to add your Business and get the most of SCOPE Features.
How to

Add a Store to Scope

Adding your store Details to Scope is the first important thing you have to do, in order to benefit from Scope features and promote your Business.